Task Management with Field Diary and Phone App
Manage tasks on farm with Omnia
Field Diary allows you to view and log field inspections that have been made throughout the season.
Field Diary also helps with traceability and record keeping.
With Field Diary you can:
- Plan tasks in a farm map
- View tasks in a calendar
- Use the tasks section specifically for operators
- Access a map view of what fields in a task are completed or outstanding
- Store and view crop pictures
Stock Level Management
Easily manage stock and streamline orders with your spray recommendation plans in Omnia
Use the easy and interactive function to:
- Mark store locations on a field map
- Manage stock levels and orders
- Get an alert when pesticides are nearing their end of usage window
- Produce reports and inventories
Multiple users can use the Stock Management tool at any time.
Financial Performance
Explore the financial performance of a field in Omnia
Use yield and variable application maps to build a greater understanding than ever before.
The business planning tools allow you to focus on the areas where you can make the biggest difference, assess alternative cropping and reduce risk.
Field performance mapping
Compare and analyse yield maps from different years and crops in Omnia. Create a Field Performance map that is easy to understand.
Cost of production mapping
Omnia enables you to identify the poorest and best performing areas of a field quickly and easily.
Create average cost of production maps by crop, market outlet, variety or by field using known or predicted costs, with known or predicted yields.
Spray Plans and Recommendations
Efficient recommendations that streamline into stock management and spray plans
- Automatic spray plans
- Task operators by plan and date
- Manage stock levels
- Checked with new, advanced HALO audit system
HALO Auditing Database
Pesticide audit reassurance with our HALO system
Audited spray plans with our bespoke HALO crop protection database available through Omnia Business Manager.
- Uses industry standard regulatory data
- Checked and enhanced daily by our in-house experts
- Additional assurance with spray recommendations written by our agronomists
Nutrient and Manure Management
Meet the Rules for Water and ease the burden of NVZ regulations with Omnia
Nutrient Planning
Create a nutrient management plan for the entire growing season in Omnia, including whole field nutrition planning to help manage optimum uptake.
Regular soil sampling can be included for:
- P, K and N
- Mg and S
- Organic Matter
- pH
- Cation exchange capacity
- Micronutrients
Manure Planning
Any farm with livestock or that brings in manures or organic waste must have an annually updated Manure Management Plan.
Manage your planning seamlessly in Omnia with:
- A risk map
- Farm limit
- Field limit
- Storage
- Imports and exports
Maps and Satellite Imagery
Omnia’s map function is easy to use
Omnia makes monitoring and planning on farm quick and simple.
The filters in Omnia allow you to layer maps for a deeper look at farm and business performance.
Whether you are looking to monitor crop development and health, create variable N plans or scout fields, Omnia Satellite Imagery has you covered.
Use Omnia to create maps that record:
- Slug and weed pressure
- Drainage
- Pictures
- Environmental features
- Trial plots
- Drone imagery
- Tracks and field access points
- Buffer zones
- Irrigation equipment
Variable Seed Rate Plans
Create seed rate maps in Omnia that meet the requirements of your fields
Crop establishment often varies across a field. With Omnia you can optimise the seed rate for each area of the field based on the drilling date, target plant population, and other information such as:
- Soil type
- Weed pressure
- Seedbed condition
- Slug and weed pressure
By overlaying various maps and data, you and your agronomist can produce an accurate and targeted seed rate plan for any field.
Variable Nutrition Plans
Apply fertiliser only where it is needed with a targeted nutrition plan created in Omnia
You can compare historical grid and zonal sampling data with the latest analysis to calculate the crop demand accurately and cost-effectively.
- Increase applications to low or high biomass areas
- Use with both liquid and solid fertilisers
- Compliance with Rules for Water
- Nmax calculations
Build knowledge of the soil’s nutritional levels across the field by uploading soil sample results into Omnia. Soil samples can be collected by you, by us as part of the Omnia service, or by a third party.
Pest and Disease Models
Use Omnia to help manage the risk of pests and diseases using models and historic data:
- Wheat diseases
- Barley diseases
- Lodging risk
- Potato blight
- Scab
- Hops Downy Mildew
- Spotted wing drosophila
- Codling moth
- Blackcurrant gall mite
Climate and Weather
Get 10-day weather forecasts for your farm or fields
Get forecasts that are accurate to 1 km2 of a virtual weather station.
- Long term weather trends
- Soil temperature and moisture charts
- Crop growth stage modelling
- Pest and disease forecasting
- Wind speed and solar hours
You can place several stations across your holding. Fields can be associated with individual stations.